This Place Has Been Named the Creepiest Attraction in Minnesota

I love going on adventures in Minnesota and finding all of its secret gems and one-of-a-kind sights, like the Jeffers Petroglyphs, Niagara Cave, and the Black Beach.

I’ve been all over the state and seen some really cool things, but there’s one place that I’ve always wanted to see but haven’t had the chance to do so yet. Even more excited to go now that I’ve read on CNN that it’s the “creepiest” place to visit in Minnesota.

CNN put together a list of the “creepiest” attractions in each state. I’m not sure what kind of research they used, but the gallery of pictures of abandoned hospitals, haunted hotels, and broken-down prisons is pretty amazing.

This is Minnesota’s Creepiest Attraction

The most scary place in Minnesota was chosen to be the Wabasha Street Caves in St. Paul. In the 1800s, these caves were dug out for mining. But what happened in them during Prohibition in the 1930s is one of a kind and important. At that time, the caves were turned into a diner and casino, and gangsters from the area loved going there.

During that time, there were a lot of violent events in the caves. If you go there now, you can still see bullet holes in the walls.

It is said in the CNN story that “three gangsters who were shot dead in the caves are buried under the floors.” There are people who think that the caves may be visited by the ghosts of the mobster whose body was never found.

The attraction is at 215 Wabasha St. S. in St. Paul. It has guided tours and can be rented for special events.

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